The farm


The Luca Canderan Agricultural Company was born with the intention of enhancing some crops that have always represented the vocation of the Friulian mountains. The big challenge was therefore to reconvert the small family business, which for over half a century had been dedicated to animal husbandry and agriculture in the valley, towards new natural farming formulas and the specialized cultivation of some typical products of the Eastern Alpine territory.


It began with the recovery, conservation and use of ancient varieties of Friulian corn, the "fifty of the mountain" in particular. Meduno, together with other places in western Friuli, is mentioned as one of the most favored areas for plantations of yellow corn (Blava rossa), a variety usually more resistant to diseases and defects, to autumn rains, but above all to the shorter vegetative cycle than those of white corn. All this ends with stone grinding, a technique that allows the final product (Polenta) those unmistakable aromas and flavors of the past!


At the same time, with careful cultivation techniques, the aim was to improve the already high quality of the red onion: lightness and digestibility, softness and delicacy of the freshly picked and unprocessed fruit, up to the recognized pleasantness of the lots destined for various types of preserves.


Recently, in collaboration with the ERSA (Regional Agency for Rural Development of Friuli Venezia Giulia), some new experiments have been launched, one aimed at the cultivation at high altitude of the Radic di Mont (Cicerbita Alpina) a highly sought-after variety of local tradition, the other very innovative for the mountain area is the intensive cultivation of new promising varieties of artichoke.

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